At several times, one of which was in the late 20th century on Earth (by the common measurement of the time and place), there was a bunny who lived with a sad little girl. The bunny and the sad little girl were good friends for a very long time, but as the sad little girl got bigger, her sadness got bigger with her, so much bigger that she forgot the bunny and got very lost in the sadness for a very long time, even though the bunny followed her every step through her dark purple cloud fog of sadness. And the more she tried to find a way out of her sadness the bigger it continued to get, until one day the sad little girl found a great big door. The door was so big that the sad little girl knew she would have to grow much bigger before she would be able to open it, but the door was all she could see through the sadness, and the sad little girl was patient. She waited at the door for many years, crying every day and night and hoping as hard as she could that once she was big enough to open that door, on the otherside there would be Sunshine and happiness and the sadness would dry up and be so very small that she could put it in her bag, only to be taken out when she needed it. And as she waited and got bigger, that hope got bigger too and became a house that expanded out from the door in every direction and made the sadness feel a tiny bit smaller by comparison. Then one day, the sad little girl stretched up, up, up and found she could reach the knob, and with a great deal of struggle, she turned it. But there was no happiness behind the sad little girl's very big door, only more sadness, so much sadness that it poured from the door with a force so great it blew the sad little girl's house of hope into a million hopeless pieces, and the bunny was thrown far, far away.
The sad little girl didn't know what to do anymore, and she was so sad that she didn't have anymore tears to cry. She just let the sadness rush over her as she sat and thought about what to do. She thought and thought and thought. She thought until it hurt. Then she thought just a little bit more. And when she couldn't think anymore, the sad little girl decided to never think or feel again and just go to bed and never get up.
And while the little girl slept, the bunny searched for her. Fae searched and searched and searched for faer sad little girl, and when fae finally found her, the sad little girl was in a very deep sleep. But what would the bunny do without faer sad little girl? The bunny did not want to go to bed. Fae wanted to run and explore and snuggle. So after nuzzling faer sad little girl one last time, the bunny went an adventure of faer own. In all faer adventures with the sad little girl, the bunny had already seen everywhere fae knew of except for behind the big door full of sadness, so the bunny, being more curious than wise found the door. It was still open, and it was still full of sadness, but the bunny hated bordom more than sadness. With a powerful kick of faer legs, the bunny leapt through the door, and on the other side she found a big scary city, full of human people going this way and that, but all of them were so very sad that the bunny was surprised that they could do anything at all. And all of the sad people ignored the bunny, which made the bunny a little sad too. The bunny wanted to make friends and play and be warm, not wander alone in all this human sadness, so the bunny devised a plan: fae would disguise faerself as a human and get these humans to be faer friends. But bunnies are very unlike humans in many obvious ways, so fae would have to work very hard on this disguise.
The first thing the bunny noticed that made humans different from bunnies was that they were very much taller. The bunny knew from faer time with the sad little girl that big humans usually ignored little humans, so it was no surprise that the big humans wouldn't notice faer, especially in all this sadness. So the bunny grew tall in a way only a very clever bunny can. The bunny didn't very much like being tall and clumsy, but fae wanted friends very badly, so fae grew to be a whole 6 feet tall. Still, all the sad people just walked past the bunny and ignored faer repeated thumps for attention.
The second thing the bunny noticed that made humans different from bunnies was that they covered themselves in cloth nearly everywhere except for their forepaws and their faces. The bunny knew from faer time with the sad little girl that big humans behaved very strangely around other humans who weren't all wrapped up in cloth, often getting very upset. So the bunny covered faerself up in a way only a very clever bunny would. The bunny didn't very much like being wrapped up and restricted, but fae wanted friends very badly, so fae wrapped faerself head to toe in a big blanket, chewing hole for faer face and forepaws. Still, all the sad people just walked past the bunny and ignored faer increasingly aggrivated thumps for attention.
The third thing the bunny noticed that made humans different from bunnies, and this was the last thing fae could think of, was that they constantly made noises at eachother with their faces. The bunny knew from faer time with the sad little girl that loud humans had all the power and that the only thing worse than being a silent human and being ignored was being a quiet human and being noticed by louder humans. So the bunny made such a racket that only a very foolish bunny could. Much as the bunny very much did enjoy the sound of faer noises, plotting which human noises to make made faer head hurt, but fae wanted friends very badly, so fae learned all the sounds the humans made and wove them into poetry that expressed all the feelings of the bunny and faer sad little girl. Even still, all the sad people just walked past the bunny and ignored faer passionate cries for help.
With all of faer options exhausted the bunny didn't know what to do but to stand there, in faer human body, wearing faer human clothes, and sobbing faer human tears down faer human face. Slowly, the human's face became covered in a layer of dark purple sadness. And then, and only then, did the sad people notice the sad little girl the bunny had become.
And notice they did. The sad people wanted friends every bit as much as fae did and seemed so very excited to know the human, but as the human cheered up fae became smaller, too small for faer clothes, and faer words made less sense to them. And yet the still knew faer, which felt so good, until the sadness fully dried up, leaving a little furry bunny, that none of the sad people noticed or even remembered.
But the bunny was very clever, much more clever than the sad little girl had been. If the sad people could only see the bunny when fae was purple, fae would color faer fur and be a human when fae wanted to play with the sad people again. But after such an exhausting adventure, the bunny was ready to just be a bunny and take a nap somewhere soft and warm, so that's what fae did.
At several times, one of which was in the early 21st century on Earth (by the common measurement of the time and place), a bunny with more friends than fae could remember, let alone count, had a feeling, a knowing without knowing, of a friend made of water and hugs: an octopus, as wise and blue as the sea and every bit as mysterious. And of course, when the bunny had this feeling fae knew fae simply must rekindle this friendship and see faer octopus friend, and soon, as a bunny knows that feelings don't come from nowhere, and is also rather impulsive.
Now, a bunny, much as they usually prefer not to, can swim, but not very far and not very deep, but this bunny has something much more valuable than the ability to hold faer breath and swim to the bottom of the ocean to find a beloved friend: faer other beloved friends. And in this particular case, fae called on a friend older than bunnies, octopuses, the ocean, or possibly even time itself. This friend was made of tentacles and inky blackness: a deity who comes from all the insides and other sides that we cannot see beyond. And she was very excited to visit an old friend, for any friend of the bunny was a friend of hers too, forever and always.
The black tentacles searched all the oceans in this world and a few others, all at once, reaching from cracks and holes and behind the rocks, and very soon she found her beautiful octopus, as wise and blue and mysterious as the sea. The blue octopus, lounging in her comfy cave at the bottom of the ocean, welcomed the black tentacles into her home with open arms, because the blue octopus remembered better than the bunny and better than the black tentacles the deep friendship they shared and most especially a deep fondness for the black tentacles and the many deep hugs and deeper conversations that can only be known by ancient things made of hugs (for in her arms, the black tentacles also remembered that she too was made of hugs), and much as the blue octopus was shy to admit it, she missed them very dearly.
The blue octopus and the black tentacles hugged and played for a very long time, knowing the bunny would find joy in their joy and could wait a little bit longer before chatting with her octopus friend. And when they finally played and hugged enough to let go, even for just a little bit, the black tentacles invited the bunny and the blue octopus to meet together for a wonderful chat, where they all caught up on their lives together and apart and determined to live their lives more together now than the apart they had been, and the love of their happy family being closer made the bunny and the blue octopus and the black tentacles all the happier. The special love between the blue octopus and the black tentacles was different from the special love between the bunny and the black tentacles was different from the special love between the bunny and the blue octopus was different from the special love between you and I, and all of those loves were stronger for eachother and built a love between us all that makes the world exist rather than not and will one day make the world not rather than exist, when we're all ready for a new world.
This text isn't an allegory, as much as some of it's subject might be. We do not vouch for some fundamental reality beyond our experiences, only that we are honest about the experiences themselves, and we are not interested in alternative explanations as these are not explanations but experiences. We suspect that we fall under the umbrella term of therianthropy, but we do not speak for other people who use that term. Conversely, we hope to find others who have similar experiences to ourself, regardless of terminology, to compare notes as it were, and find community. In our plural experience, which we can go into more broadly some other time, one of our selves, the one who seems most central and most like what one might call a "host", is a rabbit named Tesi.
When forced to behave as or "be" a human, fae refers to faerself as Desi. Desi is at faer core a bunny whose consciousness has been warped to meet the needs and capacities of the human experience. Fae finds this uncomfortable to say the least but necessary. Human thought and interaction feels unnecessarily complicated and indirect. Humans are responsible for remembering and plotting around entirely too much, and much of what they are navigating is arbitrary garbage set in place by other humans for reasons none of them even fully understand. If humans were cognizant of the reasons for their actions and beliefs, and they seem to do their damnedest not to be, we suspect they would take more direct actions and have fewer beliefs.
When Tesi feels safe and comfortable enough to just be Tesi (weed helps), fae exhibits rabbit-like behaviors that essentially amount to what the kink community calls pet play: thumping when annoyed, presenting our head for pets, nipping to communicate requests, chewing clothes, hopping around (though our body is not suited to it), etc. Fae has a deep fondness for belly rubs (which can cause orgasms), pets, and cuddles, as well as small warm enclosed spaces. While Tesi and Desi both enjoy wearing a costume tail and/or ears on occasion, we all generally prefer to be nude if possible, and Tesi finds that most ears fall off too easily when playing or fucking, and that hat ears get in the way too easily. However, there are also a couple rabbit-like experiences that definitely apply to both Tesi and Desi and seemingly our entire localized system: intense desire for a large tight-knit family/community that lives together in constant contact, severe hypersexuality, and sexual hypersensitivity (to the point of frequent unprovoked orgasms). Perhaps strangely, none of us have a desire for an herbivorous diet. Like, baby carrots are nice, but we would usually prefer meat or snack foods.
We're curious if there are similar bunnies out there and if so, how similar those experiences are and how other buns cope.